What do modern psychology, physics and the Kabbalah all agree on? Answer: They all agree that reality can be divided between the 1% that is accessed using human senses and the 99% which s not. Science uses the electromagnetic spectrum to illustrate that most wavelengths are in the 99% range. Note the tiny band between infrared and ultraviolet light located right under the bacteria. That is what we can see!
Psychologists tend to agree that human intelligence breaks down about the same as physical reality: 1% conscious thought and 99% unconscious. No wonder the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. My 1% is so busy justifying what the 99% is up to and the jams it gets me into!
According to Nekhama Schoenberg's interpretation of The Kabbalah, only 1% of the energy in our food, nourishes our physical bodies. 99% of what we ingest feeds our spirit (pg. 112 in The Unifying Factor: a Review of the Kabbalah). Wonder how that works with Doritos?
When Victor Frankl and his fellow concentration camp inmates imagined their pitiful rations as sumptuous feasts, they were able to stay alive when others eating the same food died by the thousands. That is the power of spiritual nourishment.
So what this means for me and other people having mystery ailments, or sets of symptoms that the medical profession can't diagnose, is that we are dealing with the 99%. We are dealing with illness that originates from the rich matrix of our quantum or spiritual beings. Or as Schoenberg states, The root of all physical phenomena and processes is in the metaphysical. Therefore, the cause of any pain is not in the physical expression, but rather in the energy that corresponds to that pain in the metaphysical (p. 75).
That is where the solution lies for me. No 'off the rack' medical diagnosis will substitute for finding the root cause of my problem.
Since December, I have zig-zagged along the referral highway from my family MD to a neurosurgeon to an orthopedist to a physical therapist trying to get relief. So far, the only treatment I have found that actually gives results is CranioSacral Therapy. Local practitioner, Vickey Webb uses her expertise to shift the pain from my neck and shoulders twice a week. Also my chiropractor is nudging the bones back in which will help in the long run.
What do modern psychology, physics and the Kabbalah all agree on? Answer: They all agree that reality can be divided between the 1% that is accessed using human senses and the 99% which s not. Science uses the electromagnetic spectrum to illustrate that most wavelengths are in the 99% range. Note the tiny band between infrared and ultraviolet light located right under the bacteria. That is what we can see!
When Victor Frankl and his fellow concentration camp inmates imagined their pitiful rations as sumptuous feasts, they were able to stay alive when others eating the same food died by the thousands. That is the power of spiritual nourishment.
So what this means for me and other people having mystery ailments, or sets of symptoms that the medical profession can't diagnose, is that we are dealing with the 99%. We are dealing with illness that originates from the rich matrix of our quantum or spiritual beings. Or as Schoenberg states, The root of all physical phenomena and processes is in the metaphysical. Therefore, the cause of any pain is not in the physical expression, but rather in the energy that corresponds to that pain in the metaphysical (p. 75).
That is where the solution lies for me. No 'off the rack' medical diagnosis will substitute for finding the root cause of my problem.
Since December, I have zig-zagged along the referral highway from my family MD to a neurosurgeon to an orthopedist to a physical therapist trying to get relief. So far, the only treatment I have found that actually gives results is CranioSacral Therapy. Local practitioner, Vickey Webb uses her expertise to shift the pain from my neck and shoulders twice a week. Also my chiropractor is nudging the bones back in which will help in the long run.